Sunday, February 10, 2008

1 Spoonful of Ricotta - 2 Sandwiches

The weather was pretty yucky and cold today so I stayed in and watched a week's worth of the Food Network. And as I was watching Giada make varieties of her beloved paninis, she inspired me to make my own. I didn't have many ingredients in the house but I dug around and found some basics--focaccia bread, ricotta cheese and of course Nutella.

Here's what I came up with--and you can do it too. No cooking required.

Foodista's Black and White Focaccia Combo

This makes for a lovely snack or a good meal starter. What I love about it is that it combines savory with sweet. The two contrasting tastes appeal to me so much that I alternate a bite of each sandwich in one short sitting. And while Dan isn't a huge fan of ricotta, he swallowed these up in 2 big bites. Try these or vary them up with fruit or fresh Italian cold cuts.

Ingredients: (Single serving)
A generous slice of herb focaccia bread
1 tablespoon of ricotta cheese (whole, skim, whatever you like)
A dash of Italian seasoning (dried sage, rosemary, thyme, basil, etc)
1 tablespoon of Nutella

Cut the sliced focaccia bread in half and place it in the toaster oven for 3-4 minutes (or until slightly brown). Spread the ricotta cheese generously on both halves. Top one half with Nutella and the other with Italian seasoning--it's embarrassingly easy. Enjoy them and try my method of alternating the savory with the sweet--it's delightful.

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