Wednesday, January 28, 2009

New Look - Love it or Hate it?

As you'll notice, I've revamped my site--a new look and more importantly a new logo, designed by colleague and friend, Jackie. What do you think? Love it or hate it? Give me your honest thoughts and opinions. I value your feedback and look forward to hearing your suggestions about anything--look, content, organization. I want to hear it all!


  1. It's cute! I changed my blog layout a while ago and it felt great. It's like getting a new outfit. :)

  2. i love love love the new logo. this seems more "foodie" friendly, love the colors.

  3. liked the old format better. this one is kind of garish and less professional.

  4. Thanks everyone for your honest opinions - I appreciate it! Alan, I think that I'll stick with this for a bit, it's something new and different.

  5. I really like it, appears much more professional with the logo and layout. Keep up the great blog.

  6. As a brand manager who's religiously watched your blog (and taken much of your advice), I must say it's a great touch - fits your personality (from what I've assumed in reading) quite nicely and green is a very inviting/non-intimidating color. Well done - hope you're friend is in a good graphic gig... If not, I'd hire in a minute ;) thanks for keeping us all in the loop on great food-finds!

  7. Thanks Sam, I really appreciate that feedback. It's really nice to hear--especially coming from an expert.
