Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Bar 36 - Is It Closing?

I walked past Bar 36 on Monday and saw sad looking cardboard in the windows. The place looks closed and it appears that it'll remain closed for good. I tried calling them and inquiring but no one picks up. Come to think of it, I haven't seen this place open in a long time, especially on the weekends. Not having a great experience there myself, I can't say that I'm surprised but we'll see what happens - if it'll open under new management or if it'll close altogether. Time will tell...

If you know more, please drop me a note.

Bar 36 - 36-05 30th Avenue, Astoria NY 11103
N/W Train to 30th Avenue


  1. They may be switching management or owners. I think he got in over his head considering rents are so high on 30th ave. You may not know this but he also took over the lease next door where the furniture store used to be. That space is about the same size and I assume he may plan on renovating that space to combine it with the original next to it which would make a very spacious place. But despite the hip interior this place never really caught on. I hope they can do something and that yet another greek cafe doesn't take over! I think we could use a little more variety on that block.

  2. interesting...
    Thanks for the insider scoop!
