Sunday, March 1, 2009

Skillet Brownies - A Fudgy, Scoopable Delight

It's no secret that I love dessert--and mostly chocolate. While brownies are a dear favorite of mine, I despise the generic cake mixes that give it an artificial, flavorless taste. That's why I got excited when I stumbled upon a from-scratch brownie recipe, making use of an unconventional baking tool, the skillet.

Besides the fact that the recipe was super easy and was made from ingredients I already had at home, it was fun to serve and simple to store. All I had to do was scoop it out with an ice cream scoop. The messy yet fun presentation was a nice surprise to my friends who I served it to. I think they appreciated the simplicity and loved the fudgy, homemade taste. I recommend this brownie to novices and experienced cooks alike.

To get the recipe, click here. Note: you can substitute the heavy cream for low-fat milk--I did and it turned out great.


  1. Are you going to try any of the other skillet desserts in that issue? The dutch baby pancake looks really good! I definitely want to try it. Glad you tried out the brownies, I was intrigued by the ease of it all :) G-ma and I tried out the "Broken Noodles w/ Tomato Sauce & Ricotta" tonight from that issue... it was actually VERY good, simple, nice... needed a BIT more spice, but overall very tasty.

  2. Yes, I made the Dutch baby pancake on Sunday morning and it was delightful. I will write about it soon and highly recommend making it because it's so damn easy. Ooohhh the noodles looked yum too. I will have to try that next. It's a great mag - so simple and the recipes are well written.

  3. mmmmmmmm...these look delicious!!

  4. Thanks Kimberlah - we really enjoyed them.
