Sunday, April 12, 2009

Zodiac - Closed for Good?

About nine months ago, I mentioned the temporary closing of Zodiac Cafe due to renovation. I've been keeping a close eye on it and I haven't seen any sort of progress, making me wonder if this long-time Astoria staple is closed for good. Investigating further, I called their number and it has been disconnected, raising more red flags. If anyone knows the scoop about this place, please drop me a line. And unless I hear otherwise, I'm going to assume that this place is finito.

Zodiac - 30-15 Newtown Avenue, Astoria, NY 11102
N/W Train to 30th Avenue


  1. that entire section of the block seems to have been closed. it looks like there was a salon or spa or something there, and they have a big sign that says that their lease ended. so maybe the owners of that building just closed the whole thing down?


  2. I was wondering the same thing when I walked by there last weekend.
