Monday, November 2, 2009

Koliba - Food with Flava at Great Value

It's no secret that Koliba Slovak restaurant remains near and dear to my heart. Although I'm partial to it because of my Slovak upbringing, even my American friends (and husband!) absolutely love this unassuming culinary gem.

I know, I know...I've mentioned their food before but here are some new, excellent dishes that I tried just last week--and that you shouldn't miss. And while food like this is probably a bit heavy during hot summer months, it's absolutely perfect for the cooler weather we're now experiencing.

Sauerkraut Soup with Kielbasa - I could probably guess what you're thinking..."sauerkraut in soup?" But please trust me when I tell you that it's excellent. The flavor of the sauerkraut is really gentle and it's mixed in with a hearty meat broth, interlaced with much pork goodness in the form of smoky kielbasa. The kielbasa chunks are small but their flavor is distinct. A spoonful of this soup will make you think of being in the mountains on a crisp winter day.

NOTE - If you want this soup, it probably won't be listed on the menu, so call ahead and ask if they have it as a special.

Pork Schnitzel with Potato Salad - Usually opting for chicken schnitzel, I changed things up by choosing pork. Hey, I already started with great kielbasa so why not ride out the wave?

I was absolutely amazed by the sheer size of the portion, which included two giant pork pieces that easily could've fed two or three people. The meat was tender and breaded perfectly on the outside--the coating was thin, crispy and not oily. It came with a side of creamy European-style potato salad with peas, carrots, onions and a mayonnaise sauce. Everything tasted fresh and delicious--my only suggestion would be to go lighter on the mayo.

Service and Cost:
I've never experienced a big crowd at Koliba and therefore, service is always good. Our waitress was friendly and gave us her personal recommendations. The thing that I love about Koliba, which I think they've gotten better at, is accepting new customers that are not Slovak or Czech natives. They're understanding and welcoming to new visitors, which is more than I could say for some other ethnic eateries in the nabe.

Prices remain affordable, especially given the big portions. The above two dishes set me back $22 including tax and tip.

3 Mmmms

Koliba - 31-11 23rd Avenue, Astoria, NY 11105
N/W Train to Ditmars Blvd (last stop)


  1. Koliba is the absolute best in the winter. And yes, it can get busy on Fridays.
    Mmmm, Staroprammen.

  2. I've never been on a Friday. Iiiinteresting...
