Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Ornella Trattoria Replaces Samba Grill

The short-lived Samba Grill, which opened about a year and a half ago has been turned over to an Italian eatery called Ornella. I was shocked to find its cheery orange and white striped facade one day last week. While Meg warned me about it as well, Ornella just seemed to pop up from nowhere.

Not sure when it's opening yet but I'll get back to you with details. It looks like not many changes besides the evident cosmetic ones have been done to the place, so I'm assuming Ornella will open its doors soon. Stay tuned and feel free to chime in if you know more information. I'll follow up with a menu as soon as I get my hands on it.

Ornella Trattoria Italiana
29-17 23rd Avenue, Astoria NY 11105
N/W Train to Ditmars Blvd (last stop)


  1. I walk passed this almost everyday and I only *just* noticed the change when having to make a pitstop at Omega WInes & Spirits. Crazy! I'd be interested in trying it out.

  2. Me too - I'll reveal more info as soon as possible.

  3. Yeah we can use a nice affordable italian restaurant in the area. I'm looking forward to seeing a menu. I walk by that place everyday going to work. The one a few doors down never seems to have much energy.

  4. Hello, I am friend of the family and have been invited to the Friends and Family Party on Nov 13th, 14th & 15th. doors open at 7pm.

    All are Welcome.

    Please feel free to stop in an try the regional itailian cooking.

    Buon appetito!


  5. Hi
    Ornella Trattoria Italiana will open its doors for a soft opening on November 13, 14, 15 at 7 pm.
    I would like to thank everyone for their interest.
    We look forward to serving you our fine regional Italian Cuisine.
    Feel free to come in and check out our menu.
    Ornella Viterale

  6. Ornalla is an Italian girl from brooklyn who desided to follow her dreams and open a restaurant. She happens to be a good friend of one of my closest friends that how I just found out that the grand opening for "family & friends" is this weekend. I wish her the best.

  7. I'm sorry I missed this party - was away on vacation. Hope to check this place out soon. How did the party go?

  8. I was hoping you'd stop by. However, we had a fantastic turn out, despite the weather. Good food, good friends old and new.
    Please come in and check us out.

  9. I certainly will - are you officially open?

  10. yes...we are officially open. ......see you soon..!

  11. Cool, I'll try to visit you soon. In the meantime, can you please send me your menu so I could share it with my readers? critic@foodistanyc.com

  12. Had lunch here today....
    Great food and atmosphere for a long lunch
