Monday, December 28, 2009

Has Balu Closed?

Balu, the highly controversial 30th Avenue cafe, hated and loved by many has closed.  Not quite sure if it's permanent but when I walked by the other day, it was emptied out and there was a Cavo sign for New Year's instead.  I did some digging, called their number to find that it's been disconnected and also called Cavo to see if it's taking over (it's not).  For now I'll pronounce it closed but if anyone else knows more, feel free to holler.  RIP Balu - hope something better replaces it soon.

Balu - 37-11 30th Avenue, Astoria NY 11103
N/W Train to 30th Avenue


  1. I am surprised this place closed. It was always packed in the summer. On a related note, I noticed Luna de Juarez is now closed too. I hate seeing so many empty storefronts around Astoria.

  2. Yeah Luna has been closed for a while - I think because of a health code violation. It's sad because I always liked that place.

  3. I always meant to try Luna, but never made it there. Guess I am out of the loop and I only live two blocks away!

  4. Yeah they used to have amazing tacos and good margaritas - it's a shame.

  5. A cafe on 30th closed? I'm shocked! Maybe Astoria has finally reached it's frappe-drinking threshold.

  6. haha yeah - good point Greeky.

  7. Good riddance!!! I hope it is permanent :) Astoria didn't need another pathetic excuse for a cafe on 30th ave.

  8. a mexican restaurant is supposed to open there. suppodsedly

  9. Anonymous02 May, 2010

    They're supposed to reopen in May, they're kind of doing an overhaul of the whole place. My source was the owner =)

  10. Innnnteresting. Thanks for the tip anon.
