Thursday, February 18, 2010

Appetizer Recipe - Turkey Cups that Almost Runneth Over

When I saw these adorable turkey cups written up in my new favorite blog, bell'alimento my mouth began to water.  They looked impressive and didn't sound all that unhealthy.  The presentation was just so endearing and ambitious that I took on the task and made it for Superbowl Sunday.  Although I used it as a "football snack," I think it's too elegant for that and can be made for any party or small apartment gathering.  I couldn't believe how simple and quick it was to prepare.  Although my version wasn't as pretty as bell'alimento's, people were still impressed and I was happy with the finished product. 

My advice when making this is to be picky with the meat you buy.  I was unfortunate in the meat selection at the supermarket and wasn't able to get 93/7 lean turkey, instead I got the (prepare to shudder) 85/15.  While people absolutely loved it, I think I'll go for the leaner protein next time.  Enjoy the recipe here and if you want to vary the protein with something else entirely, go right ahead.

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