Thursday, April 22, 2010

Moroccan Carrot Soup - A Spoonful of Honey Makes this Soup Go Down

Even though the weather is getting warmer, there are still those iffy in-between days when you don't know what to do.  Wear your heavy jacket or not? Eat a piping hot bowl of soup or not? My answer to the latter is always an enthusiastic YES.  I love soup, and growing up in a traditional Eastern European family, I ate it for lunch (yes lunch, not dinner) every day.

So when I saw this Moroccan Carrot Soup in this month's issue of Bon Appetit, I was intrigued.  It sounded great and quite exotic, through its use of fragrant spices such as cumin and allspice as well as sweet ingredients such as honey.  Yum! I love anything with honey and thought this soup would make a delicious dinner.  It did. Both Dan and I devoured it and especially loved making it a bit creamy with a dollop of Greek yogurt on top.  Don't worry, since this soup is low in fat, you can use a full fat Greek yogurt.  A little fat won't hurt you.

Here's the recipe for you to experiment with.  I recommend eating the soup with grilled pita bread drizzled with olive oil.


  1. mmmm looks delish!! hubs + i have been making the most out of the past few in-between weather weeks by eating those last bowls of soup. will have to give this one a try. did you use an immersion blender?

  2. Yes I did have to use that blender - but you can use a regular blender too if you don't have the immersion kind.

  3. This soup looks very delicious. It takes some effort to make foods like soup from scratch, but obviously you have done an amazing job doing so. For more information on making other types of foods from scratch please visit my website.

  4. Thanks Jay, I love making anything from scratch. Especially good soups in the wintertime :-)So worth it.
