Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Foodista Interviews The Ace of Cakes

As I mentioned yesterday, another big highlight of last weekend's Great American Food & Music Festival was having the chance to meet and chat with the Ace of Cakes himself, Duff Goldman from the popular Food Network show, Ace of Cakes.  For those of you who watch the show, you'll know that Duff is famous for his extreme cakes involving really funky designs and sometimes explodable qualities (literally explodable, as you'll often see him blow up a cake).

Duff and his team, including his right hand man Geof Manthorne were just as laid back and hilarious in person as they're on the show.  I felt like I was talking to one of my friends rather than a food celebrity - they were that cool and nonchalant about everything. 

You'll find the interview below in Q&A form but you can also catch some of it on video.  You'll see my mom in there too, as she happily asked some questions of her own and Duff was happy to oblige. You go Mom!  I see a future in this :)

Interview with Duff Goldman AKA The Ace of Cakes:

Before I even get to the interview, I must tell you that Duff prefaced all the food talk by showing off his motorcycle wounds.  He had a couple of fresh gashes on his hands and forearms and he seemed quite proud of them.  It certainly showed his adventurous side, but I hope he's more careful in the future - we don't want his precious cake instruments out of commission even for a second.

And now for the interview...

Me: You're known for your exciting showbiz cakes such as the Harry Potter cake.  Are there any super high-profile Hollywood cakes that are currently in development?

DG: Yes! We're actually working on another Harry Potter cake for the 7th movie.  We had to break this project into two parts, one cake for a premiere in London and the other one for the States.

Me: When you started Charm City, you worked primarily with your buddies including the man on your left, Geof.  As your operation has grown over the years, how do you recruit new talent and keep things fresh?

DG: (answer on video) *Duff and Geof look at each other and laugh.* It's usually just through friends and when we hear that someone needs a job and has good talent. Geof just hired a sous chef, so you know...his neighbor.  It's really great for Geof (Duff turns to Geof), I'm talking for you. It's a great way for him to get help with this stuff. When we started, Geof used to do every single cake that needed construction and this way, it makes things easier.

Me: Do you have any tips for us home cooks on Duff-affying an ordinary cake?

(answer on video) *Duff turns to Geof again and they smile* I mean really it just takes a lot of practice. Patience and practice and don't be afraid to make a mistake. Do it again and again, try things out and if it doesn't work out, start over. Umm...I think the best thing to do would be to just call me!

Me: Would you ever do a cake off with the Cake Boss?

DG: It must be said that Duff's expression completely changed to really, really grave after I asked this question.  It obviously struck a nerve and he said "No. I don't want to have a part in that."

Hmmm...I obviously uncovered a touchy subject. Will we ever see these two cake masters in one room? While I'll end things here, I'll let you chew on that.


  1. interesting that Duff doesn't like Buddy...you would think they would respect each others work. I can't imagine Duff not liking someone...but they probably are competition with each other so......

  2. never had a chance to meet him, but he does seem like a really chill guy. he's also a huge hockey fan!

    funny how his expression changed when you mentioned the cake boss...

  3. Yeah, not sure what the story behind those two is but I MUST find out!
