Sunday, September 5, 2010

Kale Chips are Better Than Potato Chips

You might recall a couple of weeks back when I talked about my experiments with kale, a veggie that I often get in my weekly CSA supply.  I've prepared it sauteed, with garlic and shallots, but through the suggestion of one my readers (thanks Ali!), I decided to make my next batch into crunchy, salty kale chips.

The recipe for kale chips couldn't be simpler, but the trick to keep those babies crispy is to dry the kale really well (basically making sure that there's not even a small droplet of water on it).  If you do a good job at drying your kale and then tossing it in some olive oil (and maybe even cider vinegar, as One Hungry Mama suggests), you'll get really yummy, crunchy, delectable leaves.  They smell wonderfully earthy and are super addicting!  While I'll be honest in saying that you have to love bitter foods to enjoy kale chips, adding a bit of cider vinegar can lighten the bitterness.  Here's the recipe from Steamy Kitchen - try it and get ready to crunch, crunch, crunch without the gilt, gilt, gilt.

Crunchy Kale Chip Recipe


  1. I generally love bitter greens, but I tried a kale recipe recently and found it a leeetle too kale-y. Maybe chopped in some pasta would work better for me.

  2. I'm telling you...these chips are good! Maybe "moochie" will like 'em ;)
