Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Sparrow's Bodacious Bifteki Burger

It’s been a little while since I’ve visited Sparrow, and I was glad to get that opportunity this week. Trying most things on the menu a while back, I saw this time around that they had a lot of new menu items that really excited me. Even though I ended up picking the Bifteki Burger, something that I’ve seen on the menu before, it was still a memorable dining experience that I’d like to highlight.

Bifteki Burger
– Looking less like a burger and more like a delicious sandwich, it consisted of two generous pieces of ground lamb (the burger part) sandwiched between pieces of crusty, sourdough sandwich bread. The lamb was incredibly delicious and seasoned to perfection with Greek-style spices such as oregano. I liked its intense lamby taste and the creamy tzatziki sauce that was slathered on top. The sandwich (I mean burger) also came with fresh, juicy tomatoes and sweet red onions that tied the flavors into a tight little package.

The fries that came as a side, were even better than I remember them from last time. Crunchy and bite-sized, they were intermingled with fried onions and crispy rosemary that added extra zing. It reminded me of frites I’d find at a great French Bistro.

Chocolate Lager
– I needed a hearty, frothy drink to wash down my Bifteki Burger, so I chose this chocolate lager, which the waitress said was surprisingly light. Although I’m not sure I agree with her (it was pretty full bodied), the beer was magnificently flavorful and had a rich aftertaste that lingered on your tastebuds like a good dessert.

Service and Cost:

I’m never let down by Sparrow’s service – it’s always personal and the staff has lots of knowledge about everything on the menu (minus that chocolate lager maybe). Our waitress had panache and made our experience a pleasant one. Plus it helped that the place was kind of empty, so we had her all to ourselves.

Costs are moderate and include $9.50-$12 for burgers and $6-$8 for beers.

3 Mmmms

Sparrow - 24-01 29th Street, Astoria New York 11102


N/W Train to Astoria Blvd



  1. I'm a regular at Sparrow, and the Bifteki Burger is one of my favorite items (I recommended it tonight to the guy next to me at the bar).

    One thing I like about it, if I remember correctly, is that it also (sometimes?) includes a few mint leaves along with the onion. A nice flavor highlight, but not dominant.

  2. Totally agree - this sandwich rocks!
