Thursday, April 7, 2011

A Greek Easter Extravaganza is Coming to eXo

Living in Astoria, I doubt I have to explain to you the beauty and the fun of Greek Easter.  For those of you who live directly in the nabe, you'll know that it gets pretty quiet during this time and some of your favorite local Greek restaurants will most likely be closed for business.

And that's why I encourage you to branch out and take this time to visit other parts of Queens, Whitestone in particular.  You might've heard me talk about the amazing meals and the boisterous cooking demos I've experienced at eXo Bistro, so when I found out they're doing a big  Greek Easter feast, I wanted to let you know about it. 

Really bringing out the generosity and hospitality of the Greek culture, they'll be serving a whole spit roasted lamb and a trapezi (feast) buffet to go along with it.  Here are the deets:

eXo's Greek Easter Trapezi Dinner:
Sunday, April 24th (confirming timing)
Spit roasted lamb (4-course dinner) with all the fixins

Exo - 15-16 149th Street, Whitestone NY 11357


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