Monday, July 18, 2011

Winners of the 5 Napkin Burger Giveaway Are...

Last week, I announced a fun giveaway centered around a 5 Napkin Burger $15 gift certificate and an exclusive Fooditka branded eco-bag.  I love that a lot of you wrote in and really appreciated the valuable feedback you gave me about my new site name - thanks for the love.

As promised, I chose 5 winners through the help of, who will be awarded with the gift certificates and the eco-bag package.  But I'd like to thank everyone for participating, and can guarantee that there will be future fun giveaways for you to take part in real soon.

And the winners are...

who said, "So glad I found your blog - you've inspired me to go back to the Astor Room for a Blood & Sand. I'm always so happy to see Astoria food getting online love."

Ali - YumVeggieBurger
who said, "I love your new blog name - it is really cute and feels more personalized than the previous name. Thanks for all of the quality posts you write - I remember yours was one of the first 5 Napkin Burger reviews I read before I visited the restaurant myself when it first opened :)"

who said, "Love the blog and i think the name is really cool. I love the meaning behind it and it sounds cute when you say it out loud :)"

who said, "I love how you took the name change back to your roots! Congrats on the blog re-launch and here's to many more delicious meals and postings from you."

who said, "I am a big fan of your blog and love the new name, it's very original and memorable. I haven't tried 5 Napkin Burger yet, so this gift card would be awesome to win!"

I'll be reaching out to each winner to share the good news, but if you happen to read this, please don't hesitate to give me a shout and I'll award you your prizes.

Thanks for playing and for being good Friends of Fooditka (FOF) :)

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