Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Koliba's Thanksgiving is Coming

Koliba, one of my favorite Astoria restaurants needs your support! Keeping up with their Facebook feed, I noticed that they've been a bit challenged with their technology as a result of the storm and haven't been able to promote their upcoming specials and events, which is a bummer.  

Being that Koliba is a fantastic institution with a lot of heart and not to mention delectable eats, I (and they of course) wanted to encourage you to pop in and show them some love.  They'll be featuring a Thanksgiving meal on the day of with your classic turkey feast, but also with lots of Slovak and Czech specialties such as their sheep's milk cheese spaetzle (pictured above), goulash with knedlik (typical Slovak bread dumplings), stuffed pork schnitzel and more.  

The folks here are super friendly and if you haven't yet heard, they were recently featured on Cooking Channel's Hidden Eats program.

Koliba - 31-11 23rd Avenue, Astoria, NY 11105
N/Q Train to Ditmars Blvd (last stop) 

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