Monday, December 10, 2012

More Hanukkah Goodness - Homemade Latkes

I've decided to continue the Hanukkah food posts to give you an oldie but a goodie - a traditional recipe for potato latkes.  By traditional, I mean the way that my family used to make them for me when I was a child in Slovakia, and the way my mom makes it to this day.

Different from American-style latkes, which use flour and sometimes even onions, this recipe is super simple - and all you need is literally 3 ingredients and some spices.  Something else that makes it more European is that the potatoes aren't shredded - instead they're grated really fine, creating an almost liquidy puree that runs into the most magnificent soft pancake.  A true pancake in my opinion.

And unlike folks do here, we don't dress them with apple sauce or sour cream - these babies are eaten on their own - no fixins required.

European Style Latkes (serves 2)


Large Idaho potato, grated on the fine edged plane of your grater
1 medium - large egg 

Salt and pepper to taste

Mix the potato mixture together with the egg until well incorporated.  The yolk should break completely and should create a nice binder for the potatoes.  Season with salt and pepper.

Heat oil in a nonstick large skillet.  Place potato mixture into the hot oil in large tablespoons (I use a regular spoon for this).  Flip over after about 3 minutes or until golden brown.  After the second side is done, place on a plate and drain oil with paper towels.  This should make about 7 silver dollar sized latkes.  Enjoy - bet you can't eat just one!


  1. These look so yummyyyyyyyyy!!! Perfect, just to bite into them.

  2. Thank you, thank you. They were indeed tasty!
