Sunday, January 27, 2013

My Own Mombar-Hybrid Tajine

Since I was recently inspired by Mombar's chicken and veggie tajines, I wanted to make my own version at home.  My brother Peter and sister-in-law, Fiana were coming over so I thought it'd make for a good opportunity to create a stewy pot of goodness to see if it was passable.  I'm happy to say that the verdict was really positive and Peter and Dan went back for seconds.

Originally stemming from a recipe for a veggie tajine, I decided to add some chicken breast cubes for good measure and to make it even more hearty of course.  Since I was already going with meat, I could've used a chicken broth as its base, but I stuck with the veggie broth to give it more earthiness.  The whole dish delivered and filled us up nicely, resting on a bed of whole wheat cous-cous with chopped dates, pistachios and fresh lemon zest.  I'll definitely be making this comforting creation again.

Chicken and veggie tajine, recipe courtesy of Whole Foods.  (just add chicken or beef to make it meaty!)

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