Monday, April 1, 2013

Sweets First Bakeshoppe is Coming

On our way from 5 Napkin Burger today, Dan and I spotted a soon-to-open bakeshoppe called Sweets First.  I noticed it right away from its bright and cheery exterior that showcases its piece-de-resistance sweet, which is the cupcake.  Anyone who knows me also knows how crazy I'm about cupcakes, so this is very very exciting.  The sign in the window says it'll open soon, so I'll definitely keep you posted.

In the meantime, I took a peek at their website and saw their menu, which has a mixture of sweet and savory cupcakes too.  I was surprised and delighted to see a sweet potato cupcake alongside a broccoli and cheese, and even a French toast cupcake.  Really inventive and different, and I can't wait to take a bite.  I'll make sure to keep you in the know.

Sweets First Bakeshoppe - 34-05 35th Street, Astoria, NY 11106
N/Q Train to 36th Avenue or R/M to Steinway Street

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