Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Welcome Macaron Ice Cream Sandwich – Oh How I Love Thee

As you know, I’m always intrigued by the latest local foodie craze, the cronut being one prime example. But aside from this dessert sensation, there are other such creative eats that are keeping me up at night such as a macaron ice cream sandwich, I’m about to share with you.

I found out about the Macaron ice cream sandwich last week through my daily Scoutmob newsletter and it tickled my sweet tooth craving. For those of you who know me, can vouch for my insatiable sweet tooth in general and for my strong penchant for French macarons. Last winter, I even ventured out on an NYC macaron crawl to taste the best this city has to offer.

The idea behind the innovative macaron ice cream sandwich comes from the folks at Francois Payard Bakery, one of the first stops in fact, in my aforementioned macaron crawl adventure. Situated in the West Village, I scoped it out last week with my co-worker, Sarah.

About Francois Payard:
Known for exquisite French bread and pastries, Francois Payard is a trusty baked good staple, located on Houston Street, just East of 6th Avenue. The bakery itself is quite large and inviting, and serves as a comfortable meeting place for a small or large group of friends, or for an impromptu meeting with a co-worker, as in my case.

There’s a large colorful display up front of all the pastries, their macaron selection being front and center. I was happy to see that the macaron ice cream sandwiches advertised on the premises, assuring us we were in the right place, and giving us hope that they were still available.

Macaron Ice Cream Sandwich
– A few varieties made up the macaron ice cream sandwich offering including strawberry cheesecake, coconut mango, chocolate on chocolate with cocoa nibs, and their most popular flavor, the pistachio raspberry. I was debating between that and the coconut mango, but when I asked for a staff recommendation, they pointed me to the former right away, so I went for it.

The sandwiches came wrapped in clear cellophane, adorned with a pretty sticker that displayed its unique flavor. I loved that they were super cold; helping to break the heat we were feeling from walking outside.

Once we unwrapped our treats and took a bite, I was in heaven. Loving the subtle pistachio flavor of the meringue cookie, and the way it hugged the raspberry vanilla ice cream, this was truly a different kind of ice cream sandwich. The ice cream itself was made of really good quality ingredients, which didn’t give me a tummy ache, as some rich desserts do, and once the meringue cooled down a bit, it was pleasantly chewy and even more delicious.

Service and Cost:
The staff at Francois Payard took care of us, but nothing was so out of the ordinary stellar that I feel inclined to highlight. I’d say that it’s your standard order-at-the-counter experience – however without all the crazy lines that can be found at some other neighboring bakeries that shall not be named :)

We paid $5 for each ice cream sandwich, which I think offers decent value, considering its generous size. If you’re looking for just a little sweet bite to tide you over, I’d even recommend splitting one with a friend.

3 Mmmms

Francois Payard Bakery – 116 West Houston Street, New York, NY 10012
1 Train to Houston Street

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